Best Part

For two weeks I asked one person every day the same question: “What is your favorite part about life?”

I’m sorry everyone, but I lied. I provided you with 12 Strangers this time. As you can probably imagine, it’s not too easy to communicate and explain a project to a Nicaraguan in shoddy Spanish. It’s difficult to explain 14Strangers in English, so explaining it in Spanish was even harder for me. For this video, I was only able to provide you with 12. Sorry! But I think the ones that I’ve provided make up for it.

I challenge you to answer this question. I think this was one of the hardest questions for people to answer, considering how general it is. Try to assign one thing in your life with the label “best”. It’s hard. It’s important to do this though. By forcing yourself to distinguish what you love most in life, it forces you to appreciate what you have. You don’t want to be the person that ends up saying, “I wish I appreciated this while I still had it”. So whether it’s family, food, or your friends, go tell them you appreciate them. Because this may be the only chance you get.

So for these next two weeks, appreciate your life and distinguish what is the best. And as always, check back in two weeks for more.

P.S. It took me like an hour to translate all 12 peoples’ responses. The things I do for you viewers…